

Lincoln reading

Some books explaining how to navigate the ukulele fretboard:

Ukulele Chord Shapes by Brad Bordessa (2016) Ukulele Chord Shapes cover
Ukulele Fretboard Roadmaps by Fred Sokolow & Jim Beloff

Ukulele chord references:

Some books about music theory:

Books about ukulele technique:

  • A Ukulele Magazine article shows you one of the arrangements for free.
  • Aaron Crowell teaches one of these arrangements on video, too. "Fly Me to the Moon"- part1 Lyle Ritz version
  • On the web:

    "How to Read Ukulele Music", by Adam Perlmutter. Ukulele magazine article on different types of notation, including chord diagrams.
    "Where do chords come from?", by Jim D'Ville. Ukulele magazine article on chord construction.
    Hook Theory - Common chord progressions.
    Interactive Circle of Fifths - at
    CAGED Method on Ukulele - from RockClass101
    Music Theory - from Dolmetsch
    Music Dictionary - from Dolmetsch - a treasure trove of free educational materials and references.


    We have our own Glossary of musical terms, in the User Guide: User Guide - Glossary