We are focused on completing basic ukulele support before adding support for other instuments.
Practical music theory and tools for bass
"Uke Music Notation"by FolsomNatural is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Chord families: chord diagrams, for all diatonic chords in a key.
Extended Chord families: include non-diatonic chords. (Jazz, blues, etc.)
Scale degrees: Study chords, and how they relate to key and scales.
Chord diagrams Build your own SVG Chord diagrams, with color-coding, scale degree, etc.
Chords are not often played on the bass, but knowing their shapes will help you in building a solid bass line. It helps to know all the notes available in each chord, in order to plan a smooth transition.
Scale diagrams A tool for creating fretboard diagrams with scales, multiple chord inversions, etc.
by vasile23
is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary 2nd Edition 1958"by SimonRobertson is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Links to some general references for learning bass: bass fretboard tools
The first string is G. Key of G has 1 sharp.
The second string is D. Key of D has 2 sharps.
The third string is A. Key of A has 3 sharps.
The fourth string is E. Key of E has 4 sharps.
Now Place a bar across the first fret.
We normally count strings from the first string, nearest the floor, up.
Let's reverse that for this excercise.
On the #1, top string (E string), you're playing an F at fret #1. Key of F has 1 flat.
#2, the next string down is A. You're playing a B♭ on the A string. Key of B♭ has 2 flats.
#3, the next string is D. You're playing E♭. Key of E♭ has 3 flats.
#4, the bottom string is G. You're playing A♭. Key of A♭ has 4 flats.